the happy life

The Means to attain Happy Life
by Sir Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1516 – 1547)

My friend, the things that do attain
The happy life be these, I find:
The riches left, not got with pain;
The fruitful ground; the quiet mind;

The equal friend; no grudge; no strife;
No charge of rule, nor governance;
Without disease, the healthy life;
The household of continuance;

The mean diet, no dainty fare;
Wisdom joined with simpleness;
The night discharged of all care,
Where wine the wit may not oppress:

The faithful wife, without debate;
Such sleeps as may beguile the night;
Content thyself with thine estate,
Neither wish death, nor fear his might.

Lasă un comentariu

  1. cocori
    24 October 2009 la 24.10.2009 19:17

    cum spunea cineva … a bad day at fishing is better then a good day at work …

  2. 0gar
    26 October 2009 la 26.10.2009 09:03

    Aha, asta e o poezie pe care s-o reciti in campania electorala. Exarhule, te-am vazut la emisiunea “APROPO” de la ProTV cum faceai critica fantanilor arteziene din Sectorul 2. N-am inteles insa faza cum ca ai vrea sa vezi fantana arteziana din lacul Plumbuita de jos in sus? E scris adanc…

  3. vati's prinzessin
    11 December 2009 la 11.12.2009 12:35

    Everyday the wild wind blows,
    shattering our faith and vows,
    every dreams we have comes true
    when our sky turns into blue…

    there’s no colour left to see ,
    but i know that we won’t be
    we’ll be aware of all that it was unfare

    thousand of meanings, a look of yours,
    are worthly feeling!also your spurs..
    i value them highly,they made me despise
    all thet is awful,the wrong and the lies.

    i wish the sun will always shine its rays
    on your beautiful days
    i wish you health and all that you need
    to make you feel in paradise indeed.

    written today———6th of dec 09

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